
MiNE’s value lies in reliable, consistent and searchable imaging data. Within MiNE, researchers can explore findings, re-analyze images and add new data.

MiNE capitalizes on existing networks hosted by tertiary care hospitals in the Greater Toronto Area, including Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital and Sick Kids. Through these collaborations, MiNE increases the value not only of research-based imaging but of medical imaging generally.

MiNE enjoys partnership with a variety of high profile medical research networks, including the Canadian Atherosclerosis Imaging Network, the Toronto Dementia Research Alliance and BrainWorks.


MiNE is developing its own e-Learning tool, called MiDATA. MiDATA will offer easily accessible modules to train students and highly qualified personnel in current developments and the use of our platform.

To encourage and assist students in their pursuits, MiDATA will:

  • provide an engaging, interactive & self-directed experience
  • increase awareness of the value of imaging outside clinical practice
  • promote medical imaging in terms of data acquisition & analysis, and
  • teach the leveraging of clinical resources for the pursuit of research.
  • Knowledge:

    MiNE is available to the public through this website, our MiDATA blog and its RSS feed. We maintain ongoing communication with readers through a variety of discussion threads. We also make our findings known through broadcast media channels and presentations at local, national and international scientific meetings.

    MiNE's collaborative efforts represent a tremendous opportunity for knowledge translation to its stakeholders: other researchers, industry, government and the public. MiNE is serious about its duty to communicate its successes and challenges.

    Medical Image Network Enterprise Partners

    Contact us today

    263 McCaul Street, 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5T 1W7